Wednesday 15 June 2011

Good bye Bath, Hello Pompey and Strattford Apon Avon

I neglected my blogging duties yesterday, but we were so busy sunning ourselves (Helen, Lucy, Rebbecca and I ), eating, drinking tea and exploring.  It was the first time on my trip that I did not even turn on my computer.  Helen picked me up in Bath, me and my 50lbs or so of luggage (seriously).  I think the poor guy who carried my suitcase down for me gave himself a hernia. 

We headed off to Portsmouth, and stopped along the way to see Stonehenge.  We had a bite to eat in a field with sheep across the road, and I dogged over and took a few pictures of Stonehenge by holding my camera over the fence.  It's smaller than I somehow imagined, but no less spectacular.  We made it to the Bed and Breakfast in time to meet with Lucy and Rebbecca.  We had a stroll down the pier, it was a beautiful day, the air ripe with the smell of the sea.  I kept thinking of Grandpa, and all the walks we took in Powell River.  He loved the sea.  We also had ice cream ( Grandpa would have loved that) and sat on the little wall along the beach.  Of course I pocketed some very beautiful rocks, and had to discipline myself because I could have picked up the whole beach.  Lots of flint, and unusual rocks with holes in them. Later we went for dinner near the Spinnaker (sp?) and had a great meal, and of course some pudding.

In the morning after we checked out of the B&B (great place, good breakfast) we went to the Maritime Museum to see all of the Royal Marine displays.  It was amazing.  I ended up buying a pair of Royal Marine socks, and a fridge magnet.  Trying to keep it light and cheap :)  We said goodbye to Lucy and Rebecca, and headed on to Strattford Apon Avon.  The motorways are so crazy here, so many lanes, and big lorries (sp?) taking up the road.  I had a bit of a snooze while Helen was driving.  We had a sat nav, and although it helped us get out of Portsmouth, it kept telling us to turn left and leave the motorway.  It was good that by that time, Helen knew where we were. We took Aunty Ena out for a pub dinner, it was so great to see her again.  It had been at least 9 years since I last saw her with Uncle Jack, when they came to Canada last.  It's wonderful that she is still mainly independent at 90 years of age.  I could not get over her mannerisms and how much she looked like Grandpa.  I even told her that she and Grandpa looked a lot alike, but that she was prettier :)  She quite liked that.  Helen's home is so beautiful, it was so nice to meet the rest of her lovely family as well, including their dog.  Tomorrow we head off to Warwick Castle, and then we see the "Scottish" play (ie. MacBeth) tomorrow.  So looking forward to it.  Nighty night!!!!

Monday 13 June 2011

Bath Abbey & Roman

I met professional busker who was here for his brother's wedding, he's from the Linconshire (sp?) area.  He and his Mom and family were staying at the hotel.  Seeing as it was just himself, the duty manager and I, he asked if we wanted to hear some songs.  Out comes a ukelele, and some amazing tunes.  We sat up till 3:00am him singing and drinking, and me just drinking.  I saw him again with his family this morning and we shared a pot of tea and conversation.  Interesting bloke! Then on to the rest of what became a fantastic day, full of sightseeing literally in my front yard.  I went to Bath Abbey, its a very old church, there are tombstones everywhere, beneath you, on the walls.  The architecture is simply stunning.  I  will be posting photos when I get home.  From there, I walked across the courtyard and spent a sumptuous 3 hours in the Roman  Baths.   You can't actually take a bath there anymore, but it was really interesting to see all of the ruins of the bath and the ruins and gilded bronze head from the cult statue of Sulis Minerva.  There were also the trappings of everyday life found after excavation - hair combs, jewelry, forks, knives, perfume bottles, coins, curses (people would right on a piece of papyrus how they had been wronged, and what they would like the goddess to do about it) and the soles of shoes.  I could have easily spent another hour there, but there were so many people near the end, I just decided to leave.  I went for a fish and chips dinner to the Huntsman pub, accompanied by of course a bottle of Bulmers.

 When I finished, I was just in time for the Bizzare Bath tour, it's done as a comedy, and the man orchestrating it was amazing.  He did many tricks, one of them was wrapping up a stuffed bunny in chains, putting it in a postie's bag and then dumping it into the Avon.  Miraculously, the bunny escaped his chains and floated to the surface.  Later, he had 2 helium balloons, wrapped a ladies ring up in paper and attached it to the balloon, he then tripped of course, and the balloon flew up over the spires of the Abbey.  Moments later, our bunny friend came round the corner, sitting on a remote control jeep, with a package attached to him.  Inside it was the ring of course.  Still don't know how he managed that one, as I never saw him give anything to anyone.  He asked where people were from, lots from Britain, a few from the states, and when he got to me, he said "I've got something that I bring out for the Canadians", and he brought out a stuffed baby seal, and then he said, "only, i've forgotten my club!".  Ohhh, ahhhh.  I told him that he had the wrong coast, we don't do that on the west coast.  He thought that was pretty funny.

To say that I loved my stay here would be an understatement.  It's truly the most beautiful, quaint, quirky, history filled place I have ever been to.  It's been a true experience.  Tomorrow, my cousin Helen will be picking me up and we will meet cousin Lucy, and her daughter in Portsmouth!  I am so excited to see where my Grandpa spent a great portion of his life before Canada.  It will be great getting to know my British family.  See you later than! XO

Sunday 12 June 2011

Rainy, beautiful Bath

I slept in till 11:00!  Could not believe it.  I have been going to bed around 12:30-1:30, and waking at 8:00am, so guess its catching up with me.  I missed the free breaky, so I decided to do some shopping at Marks and Spencer's.  What a great place!  Then off to the Huntsmen pub for a ploughman's lunch and a bottle of Balmer's.  It was pouring buckets, the cobblestone streets were like rivers, so I went and bought a pair of wellies.  They are so comfy and tall.  I think they are going to be great for all the rain we get back home.  I decided, since it was pouring and windy to take a bus tour.  One went up the hill, so that you could get a view of Bath - not today, but I did see Bath University, and old dueling grounds.  As well, some of the most spectacularly expensive and beautiful homes.  The other tour went round the city.  I saw where Nicolas Cage lived (until he has money trouble).  I also saw John Cleese's place.  There was also a pub (now I've forgotten the name) where famous bands play, unannounced - like Oasis, Coldplay, etc.  It's supposed to be a great venue.
Later I found myself at the Bath Thermae Spa - I had a mini facial and 2 hrs to laze about in the spa.  I swam in the rooftop pool, overlooking the Abbey, had a relaxing time in the steam rooms, and almost fell asleep in the Minerva Bath.  I was pretty hungry after all of this relaxing so I went to quite possibly the best Thai spot ever.  It was so elegant, and me in my wellies and wet hair :)  Wandered a bit and took some night time photos - it was so quite out, no one around, perfect picture taking opportunity.  Tomorrow I plan on going into the actual Roman Baths, and will take a "Hilarious Bath" Comedy tour later in the evening.  Toodles!!!!!

Saturday 11 June 2011

Bare Hyde's

It was the Trooping of the Colour today (the day the Queen's Birthday is celebrated)  I took a Hop on Hop off Tour today, but just chose to stay on as the traffic was horrible because of the celebrations.  I also got to see about 1,000 or more naked people riding their bikes, it was hilarious, and yet a tad gross as quite a few of the bicycles were the ones you can rent around town.  Some people body painted themselves, and dressed up, with all the naughty bits showing.  It made the blocked traffic and racoon tan I got worthwhile.  Word is they were demonstrating just how fragile people are on bikes in London.  After being there a week, I would have to say that from what I saw, many of the cyclists make themselves victims by not wearing helmets, and riding like asses (is that why they were naked bums everywhere?). I hope to post some pictures (no promises on the quality, or even if you will see naked bits, but you will see skin :) After the nakedness I saw all of the touristy stuff today - it was amazing.  Lots of the tube stations (the ones I needed) were down today, so I took a cab to Paddington Station, and then booked the 8:00pm to Bath.  I arrived at the Best Western Bath Abbey around 9:30pm, grabbed a pizza and a coke from across the street, and here I am.  Thinking I might just go over to the pub across the street soon.  Who knows what kinda trouble I'll get into tomorrow?

Friday 10 June 2011

Last Day at Sassoon

I am sad to finish my classes at Sassoon.  I had such an amazing time there.  I made a good friend there, Angie from Ireland.  After class, she and I went to Harrods.  It was spectacular!  So incredible.  I was speechless.  I did buy 2 teddy bears (inexpensive) for the kids from there, a loaf of specialty bread from France, and 2 chocolates.  We then went out for dinner to a wonderful Italian place called La Dolce Vita.  It was the belly filling food we needed.  MMMM, I had calamari, cannelloni and glass of white wine.  We topped off the meal with a tiramisu and a chocolate puffed pastry deliciousness.  I am now back at my flat, trying to pack.  I plan on going on a hop on hop off tour tomorrow so I can do things at leisure if I care to, but I am going to go to the British Museum to see the Rosetta Stone, and the Egyptian Antiquities.  Later in the evening, I will head to Paddington Station to take the rail to Bath.  Ta Ta!!!!

Thursday 9 June 2011

Lyceum Lion

Had an amazing day, got to do two cuts and colours, learned loads of new techniques.  I was overloaded by the end though.  A classmate of mine (Angie from Ireland) and I went to see The Lion King at the Lyceum Theatre, it was built in 1834, and although its certainly not one of the oldest buildings, it is definitely the oldest I've ever been in.  It was so beautiful with balconies overhanging the circle, it was the model for many theatres afterwards.  Henry Irving and the Melville Brothers both managed here, and put on productions here.  Bram Stoker also was a business manager here for 27 years.  Interesting little bit of history ain't it.   I skyped the kids and Morley, it was so great to see their little blurry faces, and hear Shane say "EAT", and Sadie giving me her gapped tooth grin.  I do really miss them.  Well, its 12:52 am here now, so must go to bed.  Ta Ta and Cheerio :)

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Rhymes with....

I have to come up with a word better than inspiring.....but that is exactly how I feel.  This city is so vibrant, cheerful and crazy.  I went to Oxford Circus, Marble Arch, and Bond street today.  I am finding my way around quite easily, and people are more than willing to point me in the right direction.  Bought some lovely frocks today at New Look, went into Selfridges, Top Shop, and Accessorize.

At Vidal Sassoon, I did a cut model, of course with disconnection, and channeling!!!!  Channeling is so very rad.  I also gave her roundish bangs that were slightly longer in the middle to higher on the sides.  It was a super fun cut.  BTW one of our instructors looks just like Freddy Mercury...  I also had the honour of hearing Caroline Cox speak, she works directly with Vidal Sassoon's international creative director to figure out the seasonal trends.  Today she explained that in times of recession, the street fashion becomes the leader, as opposed to the designers inventing it.  People have less money, so become more inventive and creative I guess.  She also explained some of the trends right now in London, and how they relate to Sassoon's latest collection.  It was so nice to hear it from her perspective.  I took photos of the slide show, and the references as well.  Unfortunately they are on my camera, and I forgot to bring the cable to attach it to my laptop.  I will post them when I get home.  Caroline has written a number of amazing books, which we got to see, but were not able to purchase at the school.  Handbags, Shoes, and few others - all full of beautiful photos, I actually went right to Selfridge's and bought the only book they had of hers called Grown-up Glamour, how to age fabulously by the women who got it right.

I believe I saw my most favoured designer of all time Vivienne Westwood, on Bond Street.  She was of course with bright orange hair, pleatherish pants, and jacket, and the most amazing wedge shoes, they looked like something that Lady Gaga would wear.  Of course, I did not see her face, but I will forever think it was her.

And on that note, I say GOODNIGHT!

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Always left or right?

Since I got here, I've been very confused about the traffic - the left side of the road seems confusing.  It is also confusing that people, when taking stairs down to the tube, or out seem to walk on the right side.  Sidewalks, people tend to walk on the right as well, until someone is walking the other way (head on), and then everyone moves left.   It is also different in different neighbourhoods.  I just do what they do :)  Today at Sassoon, my model did not arrive, so I got to check out every one's cuts and styles.  At first I was feeling down, but then I realized just how much more I learned by watching my fellow students do hair.  Tomorrow instead of one model, I get to do two, and was promised I would do something very out there, as I was left out today.  The school is very well organized, and the staff extremely professional.  I was also schooled in proper English - its' not a laundry mat dear, its a Launderette.   I was hoping I would not have to do laundry this soon, but I only brought one pair of long pants, and the forecast is for rain, rain and more rain, although the later part of the day has been sunny.  Keep posted for my wicked photos tomorrow!!!

Monday 6 June 2011

Some more pictures from the Vidal Sassoon mid-season collection

Vidal Sassoon, surprises & inspiration

We were the first in the world to witness the mid-season trend for Vidal Sassoon.  It was a surprise for all of us.  I took lots of photos, and was so very inspired, perhaps more than I have ever been.  Check out the link -  Lots of disconnection, but done softly, and beautiful hues of blonde, golden pinks, inky blue greens, dark purples.  It was the first time in a while that they actually soften the disconnections with point cutting (for all you hair geeks out there).  Some of the techniques I have been doing for a while, and I only realized it now.  There are going to be lots of students over the next 4 days, but not many speak English, they all have interpreters.  Said interpreters were sitting downstairs while the students listened to them on headsets.  BTW Chenoa - if your reading this, everyone loved my hair!  Tomorrow I will be cutting and colouring, one of the beautiful styles I saw today.  Can hardly wait :)

Very current London trend - Young Fogeys (50's-60's inspired)
Inspiration taken from Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeros, London in the 60's

An example of the golden pinks (too bad it does not show up quite as well in photos)

Sunday 5 June 2011

The rain caught up with me!

Its a dreary day weather wise, rainy, but not too cold.  Everyone here is welcoming it as they have not had rain in quite a while.  I fell asleep watching Benjamin Button, and awoke at 6:30am - anxious to start my day.  I took the tube to Old Spitafields Market (or what I was told was Old Spitafields), and happened upon  a market in Petticoat Lane.  Problem was, I was there to meet a cousin of mine.  After some investigation, I found out from an old timer, I was in the wrong market completely!  I met up with Lucy and her husband, and we had a coffee, and an amazing blueberry muffin (it had butter inside, mmmm) and then we went to the right market.  I was in search of a shoemaker whom I Googled - she makes wide shoes!  We had conversed back and forth the past few months, and she was there!  She had brought everything she had in my size, and fitted me.  I tried on at least 10 pairs, and ended up buying 4.  Handmade leather shoes, super cute, and different, for less than half the price back at home (if I could even find my size).  We then went off to a pub, I had a couple of pints of Strongbow, then lunch, but most of all - amazing conversation.  We chatted about our families, and how amazing our family is.  It was great to talk about Grandpa and Ann.  Many stories were shared, and I am so happy that Lucy and her daughter will be joining Helen and I in Portsmouth.  Tomorrow is Vidal Sassoon.  Can we say excited???????  XO

Saturday 4 June 2011

I'm here and things are so different

Had a great flight, albeit long.  I had a window seat, and my mate beside me was from Glasglow Scotland. She pointed out a few things about Scotland as we flew over.  Lovely lady.  I spent most of the time having to pee and not wanting to wake her so that I could.  I have been awake for 29 hours now, and feel a little funny.  I decided to take a cab to my flat, and what an experience!  I would never want to drive here, ever. Its crazy, pedestrians running out into traffic,  buses going down a super skinny two way street, and cars parked higgily piggily on both sides of the street.  The cab was so cute, a real smart looking old style car, but new.  I met Marc (Castletown House Manager) at the flat and dropped my bags while they fixed up my room.  I decided to pick up some groceries, and was really tripped out by the supermarket.  Butter is in the fridge, but eggs are not!  I bought an Oyster card to travel the tube, then went to Marble Arch for some clothes shopping.  Encountered some surly staff at one shop, but once I told the girl "helping" me that she had nice hair, and that I was not American, all of a sudden I was her best friend.  Checked out Primark, its so crazy busy there, lots of clothes for 7GBP and under....I have had 4 people ask if I am American, and once I say no, they are much more friendly.  Poor Mericans!  Now I am feeling the affects of no sleep and flight.  Marc said that the pub up the street is a right smart place for some ale, so I think I will go and darken their doorstep, once I shower and change into my new blouse.  It's so amazing here, so vibrant, and busy - and inspiring.  I can't wait to see it with fresh eyes tomorrow!!!

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Please vote for the Beehive!

It is not only the raddest salon to get your hair done at, it's also the raddest salon to work at!  Go to style/hair salon to vote!!!!

Tuesday 31 May 2011

3 more sleeps!

Well I'm sitting here, unable to sleep, but also unable to pack - my son is sleeping and I don't want to wake him up :)  I can't believe that in just a few short days I will be arriving in London.  I've got my scissors sharpened. 

Monday 16 May 2011

Hair Mommy goes to London

In just a few short weeks, I will be arriving in London to take a class at Vidal Sassoon.  I have never traveled overseas before, and I am going by myself.  It will be a great adventure :)