Monday 13 June 2011

Bath Abbey & Roman

I met professional busker who was here for his brother's wedding, he's from the Linconshire (sp?) area.  He and his Mom and family were staying at the hotel.  Seeing as it was just himself, the duty manager and I, he asked if we wanted to hear some songs.  Out comes a ukelele, and some amazing tunes.  We sat up till 3:00am him singing and drinking, and me just drinking.  I saw him again with his family this morning and we shared a pot of tea and conversation.  Interesting bloke! Then on to the rest of what became a fantastic day, full of sightseeing literally in my front yard.  I went to Bath Abbey, its a very old church, there are tombstones everywhere, beneath you, on the walls.  The architecture is simply stunning.  I  will be posting photos when I get home.  From there, I walked across the courtyard and spent a sumptuous 3 hours in the Roman  Baths.   You can't actually take a bath there anymore, but it was really interesting to see all of the ruins of the bath and the ruins and gilded bronze head from the cult statue of Sulis Minerva.  There were also the trappings of everyday life found after excavation - hair combs, jewelry, forks, knives, perfume bottles, coins, curses (people would right on a piece of papyrus how they had been wronged, and what they would like the goddess to do about it) and the soles of shoes.  I could have easily spent another hour there, but there were so many people near the end, I just decided to leave.  I went for a fish and chips dinner to the Huntsman pub, accompanied by of course a bottle of Bulmers.

 When I finished, I was just in time for the Bizzare Bath tour, it's done as a comedy, and the man orchestrating it was amazing.  He did many tricks, one of them was wrapping up a stuffed bunny in chains, putting it in a postie's bag and then dumping it into the Avon.  Miraculously, the bunny escaped his chains and floated to the surface.  Later, he had 2 helium balloons, wrapped a ladies ring up in paper and attached it to the balloon, he then tripped of course, and the balloon flew up over the spires of the Abbey.  Moments later, our bunny friend came round the corner, sitting on a remote control jeep, with a package attached to him.  Inside it was the ring of course.  Still don't know how he managed that one, as I never saw him give anything to anyone.  He asked where people were from, lots from Britain, a few from the states, and when he got to me, he said "I've got something that I bring out for the Canadians", and he brought out a stuffed baby seal, and then he said, "only, i've forgotten my club!".  Ohhh, ahhhh.  I told him that he had the wrong coast, we don't do that on the west coast.  He thought that was pretty funny.

To say that I loved my stay here would be an understatement.  It's truly the most beautiful, quaint, quirky, history filled place I have ever been to.  It's been a true experience.  Tomorrow, my cousin Helen will be picking me up and we will meet cousin Lucy, and her daughter in Portsmouth!  I am so excited to see where my Grandpa spent a great portion of his life before Canada.  It will be great getting to know my British family.  See you later than! XO

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