Sunday 5 June 2011

The rain caught up with me!

Its a dreary day weather wise, rainy, but not too cold.  Everyone here is welcoming it as they have not had rain in quite a while.  I fell asleep watching Benjamin Button, and awoke at 6:30am - anxious to start my day.  I took the tube to Old Spitafields Market (or what I was told was Old Spitafields), and happened upon  a market in Petticoat Lane.  Problem was, I was there to meet a cousin of mine.  After some investigation, I found out from an old timer, I was in the wrong market completely!  I met up with Lucy and her husband, and we had a coffee, and an amazing blueberry muffin (it had butter inside, mmmm) and then we went to the right market.  I was in search of a shoemaker whom I Googled - she makes wide shoes!  We had conversed back and forth the past few months, and she was there!  She had brought everything she had in my size, and fitted me.  I tried on at least 10 pairs, and ended up buying 4.  Handmade leather shoes, super cute, and different, for less than half the price back at home (if I could even find my size).  We then went off to a pub, I had a couple of pints of Strongbow, then lunch, but most of all - amazing conversation.  We chatted about our families, and how amazing our family is.  It was great to talk about Grandpa and Ann.  Many stories were shared, and I am so happy that Lucy and her daughter will be joining Helen and I in Portsmouth.  Tomorrow is Vidal Sassoon.  Can we say excited???????  XO

1 comment:

  1. What a great intro to your adventure Deb! You'll have to hook me up with the shoemakers name.... ;-)

    Can't wait to hear more!

