Sunday 12 June 2011

Rainy, beautiful Bath

I slept in till 11:00!  Could not believe it.  I have been going to bed around 12:30-1:30, and waking at 8:00am, so guess its catching up with me.  I missed the free breaky, so I decided to do some shopping at Marks and Spencer's.  What a great place!  Then off to the Huntsmen pub for a ploughman's lunch and a bottle of Balmer's.  It was pouring buckets, the cobblestone streets were like rivers, so I went and bought a pair of wellies.  They are so comfy and tall.  I think they are going to be great for all the rain we get back home.  I decided, since it was pouring and windy to take a bus tour.  One went up the hill, so that you could get a view of Bath - not today, but I did see Bath University, and old dueling grounds.  As well, some of the most spectacularly expensive and beautiful homes.  The other tour went round the city.  I saw where Nicolas Cage lived (until he has money trouble).  I also saw John Cleese's place.  There was also a pub (now I've forgotten the name) where famous bands play, unannounced - like Oasis, Coldplay, etc.  It's supposed to be a great venue.
Later I found myself at the Bath Thermae Spa - I had a mini facial and 2 hrs to laze about in the spa.  I swam in the rooftop pool, overlooking the Abbey, had a relaxing time in the steam rooms, and almost fell asleep in the Minerva Bath.  I was pretty hungry after all of this relaxing so I went to quite possibly the best Thai spot ever.  It was so elegant, and me in my wellies and wet hair :)  Wandered a bit and took some night time photos - it was so quite out, no one around, perfect picture taking opportunity.  Tomorrow I plan on going into the actual Roman Baths, and will take a "Hilarious Bath" Comedy tour later in the evening.  Toodles!!!!!

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